History of Our School

Our school started as the Foreign Languages Coordinatorship in 1982 when Dokuz Eylul University was founded and it proceeded as the Required Courses Department. In 27 March 1997, it was founded as the School of Foreign Languages by the Council of Ministers and in 18 August 1998, it started to function as the School of Foreign Languages officially and it still does.  

The purpose of our school is to enable the students of the Faculties, Schools and Institutes that require preparatory education to follow their courses in which the medium of instruction is the target language.   

In our school, which took the task of planning, organizing and conducting the foreign language programs of the Faculties, Schools and Institutes within our University, preparatory-class students who have been placed in various units of our university are educated in foreign languages (English, French, German and Russian).  

Our building, which is situated in Tınaztepe  Campus of our university, has audio visual equipment that is necessary and appropriate for today’s technology. For example, with sound system in our classrooms, three foreign language laboratories, experienced academic staff and qualified administrative personnel, a high quality of education is offered in our school.  

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